Automation Demo
Automatically assign a Contact Owner and create a Deal based on Job Type
Simple & efficient automation for your sales pipeline
Save time by automatically assigning new contacts + deals to the most relevant person or team!
Do you need these automations for your solar business?
The automation shown in our demo ensures that you don't have to waste time checking new contacts and assigning them to your team. A HubSpot workflow can do that for you! You'll need HubSpot Pro or Enterprise for this one.
Create a Deal - Don't create a deal manually. A deal will be created for you based on the information provided by the contact in their form submission. You'll still need to create contacts/deals manually if they call up or visit in-store.
Contact Owner & Deal Owner - Automatically assign a contact owner based on what the contact is interested in i.e. Residential Solar contacts go to Steve and Battery Install contacts go to Bob.
Rotate Contacts and Deals between Teams - If you are a larger company, rotate new contacts and deals between individuals on a Team. HubSpot assigns the contact to whoever has the least amount to keep things even.
These videos outline some other common process inefficiencies
See how we solve pipeline inefficiency problems for solar dealers
See how we can help you automate your most time-consuming tasks
We Solve Efficiency and Process Problems for Solar Companies
We've been working with solar companies since 2014.
We use HubSpot as the tool to scale solar companies who are ready to take action.
Our team is HubSpot certified and we are recognised as a HubSpot Platinum Partner.
We are 100% transparent and love watching solar companies scale to new heights.

Automation and Efficiency
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will automation cost?
We use HubSpot as the tool to create automations and efficiencies for solar businesses. So you will have two types of costs:
HubSpot Hubs - your software subscription that gives you access to all of the automation tools you need to scale your business. This is typically an ongoing monthly or quarterly payment. You will deal directly with HubSpot with this costing.
XEN HubSpot Ignition - this is where we set up and implement the entire back-end of HubSpot for you. This is a one-off cost, billed over three months.
Check our Pricing page for more information.
What is included in setting up automations for my solar business?
Our HubSpot Ignition services covers the following:
set up and implementation of your HubSpot Hubs
training your team on how to not only use HubSpot but also how to implement tasks on their own (create an email marketing campaign, add deals to customers, set up templates for repeatable messages).
The XEN HubSpot Ignition service does not include the HubSpot software subscription cost. We will introduce you to a HubSpot sales rep to manage subscription costs.
What are the benefits of focusing on automation in my solar business?
Solar dealers request automation when tasks become overwhelming.
It's a good way to review current processes, what's working and what isn't, and automating them to free up the rest of the team.
Our HubSpot Ignition service has helped dealers to:
Manage their business more efficiently
Do away with spreadsheets as a way to manage leads
Have less reliance on memory and more reliance on actionable reminders
Reduce errors caused by a lack of processes or double-handling
Relieve the burden of repeatable admin tasks that allows the team to save time (and money)
Achieve better engagement with prospects and customers
Achieve faster response rates and close rates for the sales team
Improve reporting processes and visibility.
What subscription of HubSpot is best for my solar business?
HubSpot offers various hubs that are deal for solar dealers.
To date, the most common HubSpot subscription is for Marketing Pro and Sales Pro.
For solar dealers with a larger database needing more complicated automation requests we find that Sales Enterprise is more suitable.
Once we have spoken with you and understand your business goals we will recommend which HubSpot Hubs are best suited for the business.
At that point, we will introduce you to a HubSpot Sales Rep to help you sign up for the software subscription.
Can I automatically assign a Deal to a sales rep based on the location of the Deal?
Yes, a workflow can automatically check the state, postcode of a Contact and assign the Deal to the most appropriate Sales Rep based on the location.
(This is for Pro and Enterprise tier levels.)
Can I record phone calls and track them one central place?
HubSpot's call tracker automatically logs every call into HubSpot.
This means everyone in the team can see what communications have taken place on that customer record.
Can I get reporting on sales activity?
The four most popular sales reports are:
- Individual sales rep performance.
- Revenue by challenge faced by customer.
- Average number of activities by sales rep.
- Closed won/closed lost reason.
We rely on memory a lot, how can my team automate follow ups?
Within HubSpot you can create tasks with due dates that allow you to get the information out of your head and into a system that will remind you when required.
Can we set up multiple pipelines with different automations?
Typically there are four pipelines that solar dealers set up:
Sales Pipeline
Installation Pipeline
Review Pipeline
Maintenance Pipeline
Each pipelines will have different workflows and sequences that trigger based on various criteria.
Can a specific sales rep be assigned to a contact in a certain location?
We can assign people to contact records based on postcodes, location, or solar solution required.
Are new contacts records manually entered?
New contacts are recorded in the system depending on how they originated.
For example, if a new contact comes in from a form (website, paid ad) then those details are immediately captured.
If the contact comes in from a walk-in or telephone call, then they will need to be entered manually into the system.
What integrations are available within HubSpot
There are native integrations available within HubSpot that are popular with solar companies:
Google Calendar
Facebook Ads
Google Ads
There are also third party integration pieces that can be valuable:
Open Solar
Pylon (in development)
We can introduce you to these third party suppliers if this integration pice is of interest to you.
Craig and Kylie have been very professional from initial consultation, setting up to implementation, they have delivered fast and well planned digital marketing activities that have improved our leads. We work with them on social media management and lead generation using Facebook paid ads and Google ads. They understand solar, are responsive and adapt to the needs of our brand.

Craig and the XEN Solar team have been brilliant to work with and have proven that their professional and strategic plans to increase our online presence and to drive further enquiries have been hugely successful. The XEN Solar team are forward-thinking experts who have continually explored new ideas and are always striving to deliver the very best solution for us. We would highly recommend XEN Solar to any business in the industry especially if you're looking to take the next step in growing your brand and business!

Thank you to Kylie from XEN, she and her team did a great job of updating our website. As none of us have any website knowledge, we needed a trusted company to update our products. Kylie managed to visualise my expectations to the point, and the outcome was actually better than expected. Thank you!

We initially engaged XEN to assist LG Solar & Energy to improve our LG Energy website SEO, however the project quickly grew to include strategy across paid and social channels as well, with a focus on driving leads. With the site now gaining 1100 visits per day and providing more than 1200 new leads per month, the project has been a great success. It has been a vital part of our 35% sales growth , compared to last year. We've been impressed with XEN's combination of strategic, technical and implementation skills, and have now introduced them into other divisions across LG.

From our first dealings with Kylie and her Team at Xen Solar, we were relieved to have found a Team that were efficient and able to take the lead with the construction of our new website, after liaising with us to understand our aesthetics and content requirements. The Team were extremely patient and understanding and met our often difficult time schedules, to gain the input from both Directors.The end result is the brief has been met, with minimal remaining input required from us, and a great platform to move forward with further marketing with Xen planned to compliment. It is rare to find a Company who delivers exactly what they promise, on budget, it has been a pleasure to deal with Kylie and the Team.